Development of an ultrasound-assisted joining process for ceramic-aluminum lightweight structures with micro- and nano-sized solder material
Lightweight structures made of aluminium are becoming increasingly important because they save resources though their design and are the key to energy-efficient processes. The use of these light metals is often limited by specific loads or required functions on the surface, e.g. increased operating temperatures, electrically conductive and heat insulating properties, corrosive media or heavy mechanical wear. These limitations can be overcome by using ceramic materials. The low density of ceramics such as Al2O3 (3.95 g/cm³), SiC (3.21 g/cm³) or Si3N4 (3.17 g/cm³) is an advantage for high-performance lightweight constructions. Furthermore, 3D-printed ceramics are also of increasing interest. Within the scope of this ZIM project, EUROMAT will develop and investigate a novel joining process for ceramic-light metal joints based on ultrasonic technology with nano- and micro-solder systems together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS in Dresden. There is great interest in these possibilities in the fields of e-mobility, laser, thermal management, electronics, sensor technology, medical technology and optics.
This project is funded by the BMWi within the framework of the programme "Central Innovation Programme for Medium-Sized Enterprises (ZIM)".